Monday, April 26, 2010

Ever seen a pregnant horse?

My wonderful in-laws have 2 beautiful mares that are due any second. There is Charlie, she is due first, and then Annie who has about 10 days left. We are all excited about the new foals that are coming- and trust me, I'll put pictures up of them too!!!

Here's a few of Charlie. You can't super tell, but she's a big horse and her belly is low. She is super uncomfortable- as you can imagine- and I am told she is really close, maybe today or tomorrow!

Here's some of Annie. This is her second pregnancy. She was bred 9 years ago and had a beautiful boy, Dusty! We are hoping for another boy. You can really tell she's preggers cause her poor belly is so huge! She still has another few days- anyone who has ever had a baby can empathize with her a little bit.

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