We have a lot of birthdays in our household all within just a few months of each other so we got together to take our annual birthday pictures. I love it and hate it at the same time. I love capturing these moments with my kids, but I hate seeing how big they are getting.
My first, he turned 10 in October (yeah it took me awhile to get his pictures done, we've been really busy) and he is looking more and more handsome everyday. He looks just like his dad! My
FAVORITE picture is "the look" (you'll know it when you see it). Its that look that says "hey, I'm 10 and I know everything- YOU are an idiot!" I see it all the time!

Next up is my baby girl- she turned 7 just a few weeks ago. It's hard to believe she is so grown up. She is so beautiful and has these eyes that sparkle when she smiles- which is all the time. She has an infectious laugh and an incredible knack for getting her siblings in trouble!! She definitely has 3rd child syndrome. But she is my cuddler, my sweetheart- she still lets me hold her, read to her and spoil her and for that I am grateful.
We took these photos at my friend's studio and she has cats that my girls ADORE, so of course the cats needed to make an appearance as well (unfortunately only one would cooperate)

Here is my baby. The littlest one- He turned 5 just yesterday. He has the best of everything- he is sweet, kind, helpful, lets me cuddle him, has a great brother to set a good example AND he is the cutest little boy in THE whole world. (He does have a down side, but I'm trying to stay positive here:) I hate to watch him get bigger because he is all of my lasts- my last baby, my last one in diapers, last one to drink from a bottle, last one to start school- of course he will also me my last to finish school, drive, date and leave the house- but i'll try not to think of that too soon.

Here is my baby. The littlest one- He turned 5 just yesterday. He has the best of everything- he is sweet, kind, helpful, lets me cuddle him, has a great brother to set a good example AND he is the cutest little boy in THE whole world. (He does have a down side, but I'm trying to stay positive here:) I hate to watch him get bigger because he is all of my lasts- my last baby, my last one in diapers, last one to drink from a bottle, last one to start school- of course he will also me my last to finish school, drive, date and leave the house- but i'll try not to think of that too soon.
What fun and beautiful children you have! I wish I could've played with pictures too! Great job!